Sistema de automação do desenvolvimento de sistemas
Parole chiave:
Ferramenta SADS. Linguagem Cobol. Sistemas.Abstract
This work sought to analyze the SADS tool (Systems Development Support System) demonstrating the advantages of its use in systems development. The case analysis was carried out at Spread Tecnologia, holder of the rights to the tool, which granted authorization to procuce this work in its organizational environment for academic purposes. From this perspective, with, the challenge of presenting a solution that optimizes access, manipulation and integration of data with the support of the Cobol language, the company MSA-INFOR Sistemas e Automação LTDA produced the tool aiming to contribute to efficiency and success in software development projects systems, which is used to assist in the development and maintenance of systems, especially on the Unisys platform. The case study presented provides an understanding of the respective technology, as well as stimulating innovation and essential skills for information technology professionals. The resultds found highlighted the effectiveness of SADS in efficient data management, advanced systems modeling and overcoming challenges in the development processo. Is is understood that proposal presented by the authors of this study are suitable for optimizing process involving systems, and promoting effetctive data management, reinforcing the relevance of SADS in the academic and professional scenario.
Riferimenti bibliografici
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