Technology entrepreneurship:
how do firms leverage data science as a basis of decision-making – a case study
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Entrepreneurship, Technology Entrepreneurship, Data Science, Decision-MakingAbstract
This paper presents a case study on how an established organization exploits technological opportunities by encouraging technological entrepreneurship initiatives, focusing on the organizational level of analysis. In a qualitative approach, this descriptive case study investigates how a multinational company in the mining sector uses new technological aspects related to Data Science to improve its decision-making process in several phases of its production process. The sources of evidence used were analytical solution documents, data architecture recommendations and solutions, data usage policies, training reports, data usage reports, data access reports, and memos. The data analysis was organized around the core document "Recommendations for data architecture and solutions," in an analogous way to the notion of literary inscriptionas a methodological principle. The documents were checked to employ word/phrase analysis, systematic comparison, and integration. This paper contributes a better understanding of corporate innovation ecosystems and to academic debate of corporate innovation ecosystems incorporating technology entrepreneurship initiatives.
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- 2022-11-18 (4)
- 2022-11-18 (3)
- 2022-04-30 (1)
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