Empreendedorismo: uma revisão da literatura e a emergência de abordagens teóricas consoantes com o estudo de realidades específicas
Empreendedorismo. Prática e Contexto. Identidade. Redução da pobreza. Feminista.Resumo
In recent decades, the growing presence of entrepreneurial activity at a global level is notorious. However, in the theoretical field, more markedly in Brazilian productions, it is noticeable the little relevance that new contributions have achieved in the face of a reigning and persistent classical-hegemonic literature of studies on the subject. In this sense, this article, the result of a doctoral research in progress, arises from the search for the composition of a theoretical belt that provides support for a research on the entrepreneurial activity of workers in the peculiarity of the context of Bahia. We focus our gaze on academic-theoretical propositions that propose ruptures and/or expansion of classical-dominant postulates. Regarding the methodological issue, this writing consisted of selecting and analyzing a vast production in three different languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) in different bases of scientific articles, in portals and networks of international researchers. As a result, we present five clusters, which we name approaches, namely: practice in entrepreneurship theory, context-focused entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and identity, entrepreneurship and poverty reduction, feminist approach to entrepreneurship. It is hoped that this review will contribute to a new research and theoretical production agenda for the field of entrepreneurship.
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- 2022-08-30 (1)
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